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Organismal and Environmental Biology at CNU

Recent Collaborators

Kortney E. Jaworski, M.S.

Senior Herpetology Keeper at Virginia Living Museum/Adjunct Biology Instructor at CNU.
Kortney and I have collaborated on a number of projects on the behavior and physiology of lizards and salamanders.

Pedro Chavarria, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Environmental Science, Heritage University.
Pedro and I are in the early stages of planning an NSF REU site proposal for our research station.

Carl Anthony, Ph.D.

Professor of Biology, John-Carroll University.
Carl and our lab have collaborated recently on salamander behavioral research.

Cari Hickerson, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Biology, John-Carroll University.
Cari and our lab have collaborated recently on salamander behavioral research.

Anthony Gilbert, Ph.D. Candidate

Graduate student, Ohio University.
Early on I mentored Anthony in research and now we collaborate on projects in physiological ecology.